Posts Tagged ‘CodeRush’


Intellisense problem after ReSharper uninstall

December 18, 2007

After uninstalling JetBrains’ ReSharper tool I discovered that Intellisense wasn’t working and after a little digging around found that it was turned off in the Visual Studio options.
The ReSharper tool does not reinstate those options when it uninstalls (I am assuming it turns those options off when installed to disable native VS Intellisense and provide its own).

I activated it again very simply with
Tools -> Options -> TextEditor -> C#
Under the “Statement Completion” option I ticked the two boxes: “Auto list members” and “Parameter Information”.

Back in business!
I’m about to install DevExpress’ CodeRush and I’m told it is very light and a single install supports all VS versions, including 2008.
It will be intersting to compare this to what I thought was quite a clunky and performance draining add on (ReSharper) that was sometimes very intrusive with auto-completion. I can see it was a very good product, it just wasn’t for me and didn’t suit my style, hence the uninstall.